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🎭🎸 Siente la magia de el Día Mundial de la Guitarra con Los Capariches🥁🎭#capariches #musica ... See MoreSee Less
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🇦🇴✨✨✨✨Hippolyte Anderson, Angola
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Gold Partners 2024
in alphabetical order of the last name.
Thank you all !!!
✨✨✨✨ from 2021
✨✨✨ from 2022
✨✨ from 2023
✨ from 2024
✨✨✨✨ Hippolyte Anderson,
🇦🇴 Luanda - Angola
✨✨✨✨Damien Aribert,
🇫🇷 Avranches - France
✨ Andromache Benekou,
🇬🇷 Ioannina - Greece
✨✨✨ Robert Le Biez,
🇫🇷 Granville - France
✨ Popi Bissa.
🇨🇾 Nicosia - Cyprus
✨✨ Laurence Buccini,
🇫🇷 France
✨✨✨✨ Evangelia Chyma,
🇬🇷 Egina - Greece
✨✨✨✨ Ariadna Cuellar,
🇨🇺 Cienfuegos - Cuba
✨✨✨✨ Nilson Siqueiras Dias,
🇧🇷 Sao Paulo - Brazil
✨✨✨✨ Juan Erena,
🇪🇦 Ubeda - Spain
✨✨✨✨ Olga Fernandez,
🇪🇦 Albacete - Spain
✨ Daniele Goffaux
🇫🇷 Varrenguebec - France
✨Isis Goffaux
🇫🇷 Varrenguebec - France
✨✨✨✨ Percy Murguia Huillca,
🇵🇪 Arequipa - Peru
✨✨ Igor Ilynitsky,
🇺🇦 Kharkov - Ukraine
✨✨✨✨ Mitrofan Kasjnenko,
🇺🇦 Mirgorod - Ukraine
✨✨✨✨ Liubov Lihashevska,
🇺🇦 Lviv - Ukraine
✨✨✨✨ Viktoriia Lihashevska,
🇺🇦 Lviv - Ukraine
✨✨ Eric Lopez
🇫🇷 Vire - France
✨✨ Emmanuel Malépart
🇫🇷 Vaugrigneuse - France
✨✨✨✨ Lilian Mikhael,
🇪🇬 Alexandria - Egypt
✨✨✨✨ Megerdich Mikayelian,
🇱🇧 🇦🇲 Lebanon & Armenia
✨✨✨✨ Angel Miranda,
🇧🇴 Bolivia
✨✨✨✨ Marlene Linarez Munoz,
🇪🇦 Teruel - Spain
✨✨ Fernando Gea Navarro,
🇪🇦 Valencia - Spain
✨✨✨✨ Inge Olaru,
🇷🇴 Piatra Neamt - Romania
✨✨✨✨ Ahmad AbdelRahman,
🇪🇬 Cairo - Egypt
✨✨✨ Exequiel Ricca,
🇦🇷 Santa Fe - Argentina
✨ Mauricio Del Rio
🇲🇽 Mexico
✨✨✨✨ Cristian Tapia,
🇦🇷 Salta - Argentina
✨✨✨✨Gabriel Torres,
🇧🇴 Tarija - Bolivia
✨✨✨ Enhk-Amgalan Tundev,
🇲🇳 Ulan Bator - Mongolia
✨✨✨✨ Sergio Carrera Umana,
🇨🇷 San Jose - Costa Rica
✨✨✨✨ Henry Calvo Ureña,
🇨🇷 San Jose - Costa Rica
✨✨✨✨ Nicolas Vaca,
🇦🇷 Salta - Argentina
✨✨✨✨ Rene Zambrano,
🇪🇨 Quito - Ecuador
and more soon
Central Coordination Office
Volos, Greece 🇬🇷 🌐
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Thanks and congratulations to everyone! Thank you too, teacher Yorgos!
Gracias! Felicidades a todos !!🤩
Thank you very much.
Congratulations to all! We are very honoured! 👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for starting and leading this movement. All the best. 💪
Thank you so much and congratulations to all!❤️✨️🥳🎸
Muito obrigado. Parabéns a todos os parceiros 🌹
Toutes mes félicitations
Que viva la guitarra!
Muchas GRACIAS y felicidades a todos ❤💐
Велике спасибі, Yorgos Foudoulis, за таку високу відзнаку. Продовжуємо віддано служити королеві Гітарі. Вітання всім Партнерам...
Gracias Yorgos Foudoulis y que viva la musica y la guitarra
Felicitări tuturor!👏👏👏 Felicitări Inge Omihaela Olaru !🌹
Coming very soon ‼️🌐
🌐 It's time for the Prizes of the most Celebrate Day in the world 🌐
✨ Gold Partners
✨ Best Partners
✨ Best Cities
✨ Best Countries
✨ Candidates World Guitar Capitals 2025
✨and more ✨
We try to Award all the works with the logos of World Guitar Day 2024 🌐
We wait for your posts to the messenger of World Guitar Day 🌐
Warm Congratulations and Thanks to all of you 🙏🙏🙏🌹❤️ 🌐
Yorgos Foudoulis 🌐
Central Coordination Office 🌐
Volos, Greece 🇬🇷
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Bravo!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏
Felicitations 👏👏👏👏⭐️⭐️⭐️
Looking forward to it!
The inspirer of all connections of people, musicians, arts is one! We thank you Yorgos Foudoulis! Ο εμπνευστης όλων των συνδέσεων ανθρώπων, μουσικών, τεχνών είναι ένας! Σε ευχαριστουμε Γιώργο!
🌐 It's time for the Prizes of the most Celebrate Day in the world 🌐
✨ Gold Partners
✨ Best Partners
✨ Best Cities
✨ Best Countries
✨ Candidates World Guitar Capitals 2025
✨and more ✨
We try to Award all the works with the logos of World Guitar Day 2024 🌐
We wait for your posts to the messenger of World Guitar Day 🌐
Warm Congratulations and Thanks to all of you 🙏🙏🙏🌹❤️ 🌐
Yorgos Foudoulis
Central Coordination Office
Volos, Greece
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🇨🇴 World Guitar Day 2024 στο Εκουαδόρ 🌐
Η World Guitar Day - Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Κιθάρας 18 Οκτωβρίου, ιδρύθηκε στον Βόλο το 2021 από τον Yorgos Foudoulis και γιορτάζεται κάθε χρόνο με λαμπερές εκδηλώσεις σε όλο τον κόσμο 🌐
130 Χώρες, 800 Πόλεις (μέχρι στιγμής) 🌐
Yorgos Foudoulis 🇬🇷 🌐
Γραφείο Συντονισμού
Βόλος, Ελλάδα 🇬🇷 🌐
Volos World Guitar Capital 🌐
"Βόλος - Παγκόσμια Πρωτεύουσα της Κιθάρας" 🌐
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🌐 Σε όλους τους απανταχού Κιθαριστές εύχομαι Happy World Guitar Day ‼️🌐
🌐 Φέτος γιορτάζουμε 130 χώρες, 800 πόλεις ‼️🌐
🌐 Πέντε δισεκατομμύρια Κιθαριστές σε όλο τον κόσμο ασχολούνται ή ασχολήθηκαν κάποια στιγμή με την κιθάρα.
Είμαστε μια τεράστια πολιτιστική υπερδύναμη ‼️ 🌐
🌐 Η World Guitar Day - Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Κιθάρας 18 Οκτωβρίου 🌐 μας ανήκει δικαιωματικά και εύχομαι κάθε χρόνο να την γιορτάζουμε όλο και περισσότεροι ‼️🌐
Yorgos Foudoulis 🇬🇷 🌐
Γραφείο Συντονισμού
Βόλος, Ελλάδα 🇬🇷
Volos World Guitar Capital 🌐
"Βόλος - Παγκόσμια Πρωτεύουσα της Κιθάρας"
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Congratulations to all the guitarists in the world!
Congratulations to everyone on this wonderful DAY!!!🤩🤩
Felicidades a usted también Maestro
Вітаю з Всесвітнім Днем Гітари...
🇨🇷 World Guitar Day in San Jose, Costa Rica
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🇦🇷 World Guitar Day in Salta, Argentina
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🌐 World Guitar Day 18 October 🌐
The most Celebrate Day in the world
130 Countries, 800 Cities (so far) ‼️
Η World Guitar Day - Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Κιθάρας 18 Οκτωβρίου 🌐 ιδρύθηκε στον Βόλο 🇬🇷 το 2021 από τον Yorgos Foudoulis και γιορτάζεται κάθε χρόνο με λαμπερές εκδηλώσεις σε όλο τον κόσμο 🌐
🌐130 Χώρες, 800 Πόλεις (μέχρι στιγμής) 🌐
Yorgos Foudoulis 🇬🇷 🌐
Γραφείο Συντονισμού
World Guitar Center 🌐
Βόλος, Ελλάδα 🇬🇷 🌐
Volos World Guitar Capital 🌐
"Βόλος - Παγκόσμια Πρωτεύουσα της Κιθάρας" 🌐
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🇨🇴 World Guitar Day in Ecuador
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨¡Se viene el Festival por el Día Mundial de la Guitarra 2024! 🎸
✔️Este año contaremos con talleres, charlas magistrales y presentaciones que se realizarán a las 10:00 y a las 15:00 en el Conservatorio Nacional de Música con entrada libre.
✔️Los conciertos de gala se llevarán a cabo en el Auditorio del Mundo Juvenil (Parque La Carolina) a las 19:30. Puedes solicitar tus pases gratuitos en el siguiente link: forms.gle/C9uYV3irQ5aEdwTu8
*Solamente los conciertos de gala requieren pase para ingresar.
Para más información quédate atento a las redes sociales de Zambrawer Ensamble.
Los esperamos 🎶🎼
World Guitar Day - Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Κιθάρας
Yorgos Foudoulis
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🌐 The second flag of World Guitar Day 🌐
What symbolizes:
🌐The brown color symbolizes the color of wood of the guitar.
Also symbolizes the high prestige and reliability.
🌐The yellow color symbolizes that the idea of World Guitar Day comes out to the gold light of sun and becomes a reality.
Also symbolizes the gold success.
🌐The white color symbolizes the knowledge, the sophia, the vision, the joy and happiness that we will have every year on the 18th of October.
Yorgos Foudoulis 🇬🇷 🌐
Central Coordination Office 🌐
Volos, Greece 🇬🇷 🌐
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🇺🇦 World Guitar Day in Ukraine
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🌐 The first flag of World Guitar Day 🌐
What symbolizes:
🌐 The black color symbolizes the black days of quarantine and the people misery.
🌐 The green color symbolizes the idea that was born about of World Guitar Day and the green light of hope and optimism.
🌐 The yellow color symbolizes that the idea of World Guitar Day comes out to the gold light of sun and becomes a reality.
🌐 The white color symbolizes the knowledge, the sophia, the vision, the joy and happiness that we will have every year on the 18th of October 🌐
🌐 We please all Partners to use the full logo with the 4 colors and the date of 18 October.
This is our true and sacred story 🙏🙏🙏🌐
Thank you all 🙏🙏🙏🌐
Yorgos Foudoulis 🇬🇷 🌐
Central Coordination Office 🌐
Volos, Greece 🇬🇷 🌐
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Es un gran honor formar parte de esta familia... Tengo la firme convicción que podemos contribuir a un mundo mejor.... Nesecitamos motivos para decirle al mundo "Todo puede cambiar y ser diferente". .. Gracias por darme la distinción... Lo que creí sería 1 día de festejo se ha convertido en más y me enorgullece... Sigamos adelante trabajando amigos 🙌🙌🙌🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🥇💯😆
Gracias Yorgos Foudoulis por este gran movimiento y comunidad en el mundo entero!!!!
🙏🎸🌐...так, це наша справжня і священна історія. Не перестаю бути вдячною вам, Yorgos Foudoulis, за те, що ви стоїте на п'єдесталі засновника та організатора такої знакової події для всіх прогресивних гітаристів світу.
You can count on myself! 🥰😘
🇪🇦 World Guitar Day in Spain
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🇸🇻 World Guitar Day in Nicaragua
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🇨🇷 World Guitar Day in Costa Rica
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🇦🇷 World Guitar Day in Santa Fe, Argentina
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🇲🇽 World Guitar Day in Mexico
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Muchas gracias por el apoyo amigos de Grecia... Gracias por su fe en nosotros... World Guitar Day - Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Κιθάρας